ashley’s non decorated hoard!

trading policy + main hoard
crossed out is hateclaimed, nft
planning/in use are linked, don’t ask 4 them
hi jinx!
some of this info is outdated


most of these are nft (special interest)

dbh, connor, detroitbecomehuman, rk800, hankanderson, sumo, kara, markus, connors, connoranderson, ra9, cyberlife, jericho, android(s), robots, hank, rk200, blueblood, sixty, deviant(s), luther, deviancy, deviate, robotic, rk900, nines, gavinreed, aIice, detroit, lieutenantanderson, thirium, prototype(s), simarkus, edenclub, quanticdream, artificialintelligence, tracis, dbhs, kamski, tincan, ralph, led(s), ax400, detectivereed, ferndale, reed900, rupert, captainallen, elijahkamski, coleanderson, zlatko, toddwilliams, leomanfred, carlmanfred, markusmanfred, north, wr400, rt600, ilikedogs, thenegotiator, devianthunter, jericholeader, yk500, alicewilliams, amandastern, 28stabwounds, phck, dcpd, zengarden, cyberlifeandroid, biocomponent(s), thiriumpump, thirium310, bleedingblue, redice, plasticprick, agentperkins, detroitcity, connorplushie, thehostage, a.i, remainamachine, becomeadeviant, iamdeviant, softwareinstability, rkseries, justamachine, thekamskitest, rosechapman, danieI, norths, fromthedead, connorscoin, artificialconsciousness, connordbh, northdbh, simondbh, joshdbh, piratescove, hostesschloe, detroitevolution, tinachen, pl600, androidrevolution, zlatkoandronikov, zlatkoscreatures, pirateisland, imnotalive, beanieconnor, cointrick(s), deactivate(d), nightofthesoul, battlefordetroit, spareparts, shadesofcolor, waitingforhank, fugitives, ontherun, theinterragation, thenest, timetodecide, lastchanceconnor, freedommarch, anewhome, stormynight, theedenclub, thepiratescove, thebridge, midnighttrain, capitolpark, meetkamski, thestratfordtower, stratfordtower, selfdistruct, quicktimeevent, detroitpolicedepartment, ruperttravis, cyberlifewarehouse, newjericho, androidscrapyard, machineconnor, deviantconnor, cyberlifestore, cyberlifetower, cyberlifedocks, fuckingdeviant, missionsuccesful, missionfailed, missionaccomplished, deviantleader, jerichoshero, thelittleone, sentbycyberlife, hankish, sexandroid(s), deviating, locatejericho, findjericho, holdonjustalittlewhilelonger, everythingwillbealright, notjustamachine, detroitpolice, hankcon, karas, markuses, deviantuprising, androiduprising, sumos, rk1000, 313-248-317-51, ra9s, detroits, norkus, rk1700, sikus, bencollins, jefferyfowler, machined, rkeighthundred, chimeraconnor, connorvsmarkus, androiddetective, rk1k, connorkus, kl900, lucy, jb300, tr400, wr600, st600, ripple, defectivemodel, serialnumber


tlou, ellie, zombies, lev, abby, elliewilliams, immune, runner(s), clicker(s), stalkers, shiv(s), molotov(s), joelmiller, apocalyptic, fungus, cordycep, yara, eldina, dellie, seraphite(s), rileyabel, savagestarlight, leftbehind, fedra, fireflys, abbyanderson, mariamiller, tommymiller, huntingrifle, rattler(s), infecting, infects, owenmoore, noraharris, sarahmiller, tloupart2, callus, shambler, bloater(s), ratking, fungal, tendril(s), santabarbara, thefarm, jerryanderson, dinawoodward, dinaphantasmagoria, zombieapocalypse, quarantinezone, billstown, molotovcocktail(s), healthkit, fireflies


lifeisstrange, chloe, arcadiabay, maxcaulfield, rachel, rachelamber, chloeprice, maxine, victoriachase, vortexclub, butterflyeffect, wowser, joyceprice, polarized, blackwell


battleroyale, battlebus, itemshop, og, rebootcard, rebootvan, rebooted, thestorm, aimbot, boxfight, cracked, medallion, knocked, vbuck, highground, noscope, resurrect, sweat, skins, pickaxes, tac, bigpot, minis, fn, op, vaIeria, fortnited, fortnight, fortnitebattleroyale, getgriddy, headhunter, meowskulls, pumpshotgun, thesociety


mlp, ponyville, cutiemark, zecora


fivenightsatfreddys, balloonboy, nightmarefoxy, witheredchica, freddyfazbearspizzeria


gorillaz, insaneclownposse, kidswithguns, shesmycollar, onmelancholyhill, stylo, clinteastwood, dirtyharry, ogreenworld, demondays, plasticbeach, daitheflu, digitalbath, dragula, runlikehell, outofcontrol, fearofdying, digitalsilence, perfectgirl, soaked, littledarkage, thelema, imgod, boyharsher


eleven, elmax, st, demogorgans, demodogs, demobats, theupsidedown, eggos, elevenhopper, maxinemayfield, jopper, chrissywakeup, rainbowroom, flayed


untildawn, ashleybrown, christopherhartley, emilydavis, jessicariley, joshwashington, joshuawashington, matttaylor, matthewtaylor, mikemunroe, michealmunroe, samgiddings, samanthagiddings, hannahwashington, bethwashington, thelodge, jessriley, thepsycho, deathtotem, dangertotem, fortunetotem, guidancetotem, losstotem, mountwashington, drhill, wendigos, blackwoodpines


plantsvszombies, pvz, pvz2, peashooter, potatomine, snowpea, wallnut, repeater, puffshroom, sunshroom, fumeshroom, gravebuster, hypnoshroom, scaredyshroom, iceshroom, doomshroom, squash, tanglekelp, threepeater, spikeweed, tallnut, seashroom, plantern, blover, splitpea, magnetshroom, caggabepult, flowerpot, kernelpult, umbrellaleaf, melonpult, gatlingpea, twinsunflower, gloomshroom, wintermelon, treeofwisdom, crazydave, lazerbean, bloomerang, firepea, toxicpea, agentpea, plantsvszombies2, plantsversuszombies


lesbians, laced, dollie, url, babe, dogs, guns, dainty, frilled, fucking, plushie, homophobic, bees, farted, coin, mermaids, asteroid, uranus, temp(late), lusty, pear, face, hyperfix, hyperfixations, activate, to, ufo, poo, help, on, in, hair, butt, trading, anna, hoes, ireland, irish, clean, cedric, curtian, school, reef, editing, crisp, gothically, squishy, tummy, appetite, bald, chapters, captian, sexuality, comic, mewed, stimmed, shitting, velocity, neurodivergence, fidget, orbiting, hostile, specialinterests. mentalhealth, shh, gremlin(s)


asd, omg, madokas, soulgem, southpark, homestuckie, style, theonceler, thelorax, pipsqueak, ohare, ikr, agenteight, minecrafts, ps4, bruh, omfg, uhh, umm, uhm, hatekeep, kms, stfu, airpods, heartstopper, azumangadaioh, chiyo, sony, insta, neoprns, isolation, firestick, activate, funkopop, gyatt, to, o_o, yh, edater, discordians, discordmod, discordkitten, ps, ds, lilbro, ty, rp, kk, capcut, sillygirl, lavalamp, sussy, tonetags, gremlin, scream2, galeweathers, amberfreeman, tatumriley, laracroft, tombraider, spongebobsquarepants, squidwardtentacles, garythesnail, chapters, druggies, alvinandthechipmunks, blehh, mbav + long version, textis, ameca, chiyomihama, sojourn, overwatchtwo, crossyroad, gamepixels, awtism, frick, floptok, sarahbailey, bonnieharper, rochellezimmerman, pearl2022, mitsy, deweyriley, maxxxine, lgbtqia, urlies, urled, urlhoarder, neurodivergence, autisming, thetism, multiplechoice, heavyrain, robloxians, meepcity, qrcode, southparkie, mrspuff, murdoc, videogame, crimesceneinvestigation


/urls - given to a friend (check out his hoard) /receipt - given for /joelmiller
/dc - gave it back to someone after the deletion, got /ponyville as a gift
/chrishartley - given for /28stabwounds /gothgirl - given for /sexuality
/empireants - given for /murdoc
/pi - given for /comic
/temptation - given for /babe
/thelastofus (rentry) - given for /north /isolation - given for /fireflies
/helpy - given for /videogame
/fluttershy - given for profile decor
/beyondtwosouls - given for /hank
/dina, /bitemark & /warren - given for £10 nitro
/druggies - given for /crimesceneinvestigation
/appetite - given for /terrify

Pub: 1705962533306 Edit: 1723652379792 Views: 475