Rentry Hoard here art by @AgusUlarrSanca on twt!!! OFFER 4 ANYTHING contact uchicken on discord (might respond late im scared of talking in dms)


warning some stuff might be supa bright

planning to use/in use! /emurui /presentdayproblem /takeuchirobert /capt.spaceboy /tsukadasatoru /judgementofcorruption /gallerianmarlon /evilfoodeater /kaitovocaloid /rinxlen /jaredsuperjail /suburbanhome /tracyidv /captspaceboy /august2nd /UCHICKEN /peanutchips /b4sil /roberttakeuchi /greedgender /kaitogender /xxxlacrossekingxxx /samuraiswordlover /pixelshark /freaky-uchicken /kaitoguilty /satorusatoru /presentdayproblemtakeuchirobert /.satoru /lawyer4money /yusukekitagawa /ratman /august /vent /snowman

for my boyfriends <3 /jailbot /descendents /themistress /ultraprison /superhell /superjail /sillygirl /lukavocaloid /wardensuperjail /theanimeclub /animeclub /naruparty13fan /buttmunchers /domo_kun /ranseb /sebastianivory /sebastiandetomatosmith /.randal /.sebastian /sebastiandetomatosmithchickenlegs /rantaroseb /ransebtaro

vocaloid/vocaloid medias! /mikuvocaloid /lenvocaloid /rinvocaloid /barisolschild /behemolevia /leviabarisol /behemobarisol /MemAleph /MA /miraclepainting

identity v + persona /ZeezVovGeeV /yusuke_kitagawa /yusukekitagawa5

alien stage! /ivill /tivan. thats it.

omori /0mori /4ubrey /kell /sp4ceboy /sp4ceboyfriend /sp4cehusband /sp4ceexhusband /slimesisters /theslimesisters /theslimegirls /m4ri /sweeth3art /b0ssrush /b0ss /m3dusa /m4rina /m0lly /p3rfectheart /mutanheart /mutantheart /mut4ntheart /robotheart /rob0heart /sproutmole /spr0utmole /sunnyy /snny-vra /str4nger /orange-joe /vastforest /unbre4dtwins /theunbre4dtwins /OHOHOHOHO!! /orangejoe

musicals (give me more please) /seveteen /J.D. /veronic4 /he4thers /bem0rechill /squ1p /squippy /pitifulchildren /thepitifulchildren /michealinthebathroom /michaelinthebathroom /mich4elinthebathroom /thesm4rtphonehour

animanga /rubyh0shino /aih0shino /aquah0shino /caseclsoed /mobpsycho

books! /tokillamockingbird /t0killamockingbird /dill /dillharris /charlesbakerharris /jeremyfinch /jemfinch /jeanlouisefinch /jeanlouise /scoutfinch /atticusfinch /itendswithus /colleenhoover

gaymes /better_half /betterhalf /thiu_ /_thiu /thiu /candyscabs /nogood_noelle /nogoodnoelle /jackinacastle /divilethion /tcoaall /tcoa_all /nachamikaelys /anastachamikaelys /francismosses /pierced-princess /piercedprincess /xxpiercedprincessxx /meganxhunter /hunterxmegan /encore101 /kamisato_ /ayato.autism /ayaka.autism /lyneylynette /lynettelyney /wriothesleylyney /lyneywriothesley /lysley /wriolyney /JustSayorii /jekasnicole /jeckas /xoxo-jecka /naru-party13 /kinani /deadpl4te /m4non /v1ncent /r0dy /mamimitanaka

dangitgrandpa /chiak1 /n4gito /mik4n /h4jime /h4jimehinata

otherrrrrr /catowner /dogowner /rumpelstiltskin /SEIROGAN /beemovie /moneylawyer /lawyermoney /meatgrinder

ranfren (GIVE ME IT ALL!) /.luther /.nyen /.nyon /nyennyon /nyonnyen /.nana /.kitty /carpetkitty /kittycarpet /captainhowdie /howdie /kindersurprisedmichaeljr /michaeljr /boyofanotherlayer

ocs and stuff.............. /ochimu /0chimu /penotchips /penischips /dndyushiro /dndfelix /felixagguire /yush1ro /yushiroaokki /yushiro /mekuro /mekuroaokki /axell /axeI /fatherhenry /basilfei /ochimufei /marseille


given /august & /vent (TYSMMM)

recieved /yusukekitagawa (TYSM IM SCFREAMSMS)

commission for /rantoru (UR HERE!)

traded /J.D for /tsukadasatoru (TAHNK YOUUU)

Pub: 1705967484675 Edit: 1737978635820 Owner: uchicken Views: 16