To my bestest friends Ross and Lass :D I know I say this all the time and maybe even too much but seriously I love and appreciate you two so much. You are the lights of my life, my twin flames, and my soulmates. You're the closest things I've ever felt to family and I genuinely consider you both my siblings. I love how no matter what you guys have never found me annoying or weird and you have stuck with me for 2 years. You both have taught me so much about myself and the world and have saved me numerous times even if you don't realize it. I would give anything to see you two happy even if it meant killing someone /hj. I hope I can continue to make you both the happiest people ever and that we never split! 06.17.21 our carrd

our songs: Being Cool, I Miss You, Time Adventure, You and Me, Fine

our trios: HanaKouNene, AkiDenPower, Ash Brock Misty, Triple Baka(VOC), The big Three(MHA), Traffic Light Trio(LMK, )

our matching pastes: /here /there /everywhere, /counter /strike /parry, /bloodfiend /gunfiend /chainsawdevil, /cupid /cupidsarrow /cupidsbow, /amajiki /nejire /mirio, /ellen /corin /alexandrina

To Lass, my number 1 enemy.... If Ross is the older brother you're definitely my annoying twin.... but seriously lmao you're probably like the funnest person to around and I love how we can both agree on things when Ross doesn't ehehe.... You also lost coolness points when I found out your real age lololol. I'm so glad I found your tiktok page back in like 2021 otherwise i don't even know where I'd be right now. You're one of the key pieces for me to be the me i am right now and I will be forever grateful to you for that.   

   To Ross, my favorite brother ever !! If Lass is my evil twin then you're our older brother. You're such a kind person and I love you for that. No matter what you have always kept true to yourself even when you were in an environment that didn't really allow you to do so. I admire you for how you are and you're one of my biggest role models. I've told you time and time again about how much you mean to me and how even in a dream the thought of you hating me made me wanna cry. even though I think that last part is stupid I'm glad you found it to be meaningful when I first told you ehehe...


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