cc⠀⠀/⠀⠀sangwoo⠀⠀⠀ ⠀i⠀hate⠀him oliver⠀or⠀prince⠀⠀4teen⠀ ⠀autistic
professional⠀loser⠀ ⠀goon⠀master

I will NOT be trading this url away unless u can somehow give me /denji, /rutile, /boy, and /diamond at the same time or pay me $500 on CA $chrryhaiku !!! but seriously any of those urls prioritized in that order or enough money to buy those urls off the owners you can have this god foresaken url

sangwoo haters if u wanna leave messages here lmk on my neospring @oliver

KS is a great psychological horror and I wish more people could see that. Instead people know it as a "romance" which is just KILL YOURSELF oh my god how WRONG can you even be???? We need to test people to see if they understand KS to see if they're allowed to share opinions online

Pub: 1/23/2024, 3:04:12 AM Edit: 1/27/2025, 6:45:32 AM Owner: oliver Views: 46