TYLER, 05.08.22

holy shit, a whole fucking year now we've been with you guys and I don't even know what to say. you guys are so important to us and I don't know what we would do if we lost you, you've stuck with us through thick and thin and a lot of rough moments in our life, you guys were always right there and you defended us and stuck with us. we've known you for an entire year and I don't know how we didn't get together sooner, there were so many signs we liked each other but I just didn't take the hint, we've loved you from the very start and I don't even know what to say about all of this, you were always so fucking important to me and you've never stopped being important to me, i miss those calls that would last for hours on end with us just talking to each other and telling each other about what was happening in our lives in the moment, all the conversations we've had, all the paragraphs about how much we meant to each other, all the little "HIIII HOW ARE YOUU??? <33"s, you've helped me through so much and I still talk about you to all my friends, everyone in my life knows about you and how special you are to me, i could go on and on about you could hours, days even, and not get bored or not have something to talk about. I really miss how much we used to talk but it's okay because we're talking more now and I'll talk all of it, every single little message you send I'll cherish it until the very end. I love talking to you about your hyperfixations and it always makes me happy when i wake up and see you ranting to us, I know I often don't reply but its mainly because i just like reading what you say to me, i love reading your messages to me and reading you rant abt something that made you mad or that you're excited about, i love hearing about how much your friends mean to you and what you did with them that day, i love seeing pictures you send us and it always makes us happy too see you texted us, it would take universes of words to describe how much we love you and how much you mean too us and still that wouldn't be enough, there's no way that i could describe how much i love you with just words. i wish i could get you out of all the situations that are troubling you and your gifts too us will always be cherished. you're the most special thing that's ever happened to us, u mean more to me than being able to breathe as long as i can be with you and in your arms eventually the littlest thing as simply matching pfps w you makes my heart skip a beat and every time u give us the slightest little compliment i can feel my face heating up and myself melt, if i could i would spend the rest of my life right next to you, i would be willing to do whatever you wanted, whatever for you, you're the earth and I'm your moon, yours. you guys are someone that we will never forget, ever, we'll always keep and carrying you around for as long as we're alive. we love you. UPDATE: 06/09/20254: the past TWO FUCKING YEARS has been very VERY eventful, we've had our ups and down and breaks and others but the fact that you're still with me means the world to me. I'm glad I don't have to part because that message shattered me. the past two years with you have been the best two years ever, I still can't put into words how much I'm in love with you because of how much it goes beyond that compacity, I hope we can rebuild our bond soon. I love you so much handsome and I never ever won't, don't forget that.

KALISKA , 11.30.23

I know it's only been a little while but we've come to truely love you guys, I can't wait to go to washington and see you, honestly I can't wait to be able to squeeze you half to death, everytime I'm a little sad you always know how to cheer me up somehow. you're one the most picture perfect people I've met, I can talk to you for hours on end honestly, just being there on call with you is nice I don't care if we don't talk to each other. you make me feel genuinely loved and accepted and I could never thank you enough for that, for just being there for us. even if we did meet through drama it was nice and I really hope it lasts long. you've become so special to us in the little amount of time we've known each other, you blew me away from the moment we met and I'm sososo sorry for corrupting you steven into a little bitch like I am <33 we love you guys so much and I hope you know that and can carry us with you even if we stop talking (which I hope doesn't happen anytime soon..) you're so understanding with us and I couldn't be more greatful to have you in my life, and with that I'm gonna end it here before I start rambling, we love you <3

WOODLAND 09.01.24 /idfk, talking?

HEY DUDE i honestly dk what to say bc we havent known u guys that long but DUDE we fw u so heavy its crazy, u understand us in a way thats really different n new to us but i rlly like it!! we fw u guys SO heavily its crazy, im really glad we clicked with you the way we did and i cant wait to introduce you to doing pretty syscord things with your profile!!! itll b so fun, trust :3 i cant wait to get more connections between our systems and im honestly really excited that someone will be able to talk to a LOT of people in our system outside of the regulars that front a lot!!! i hope yk how fun vcing w u was today n how much we fw u :333 i feel like were actually gonna go somewhere together

IZZY, 08.23.21 /p

AHHHH IZZY!!! my stinks!! god where do I even fucking start?? you've been my best friend for what feels like 2 years even though it's only been one, the shit we've gone through together is undescribable, YOU LITERALLY ALMOST RAN AWAY TO LIVE WITH ME AT MY HOUSE????? holy shit I wouldn't trade you for the world, our friendship is something I would never give up no matter fucking what. you're my best friend and I wouldn't give you up for the fucking world, all the shit we've talked to each other, all the people we've made fun of, all the people we've talked about that we like, we know too much about each other to ever give each other up, you're honestly a person I would tell anything too, I never wanna lose you, ever, you're such an important friend to me, i can't lose you Izzy and I never want you. I love you so much /p

VEX, 02.25.22 /p

we've gone through a SHIT TON w u guys, u made us finally realize and accept who we are as a system and i couldn't thank u more for that, even though we've lost contact a few times you've found your way back into our lives and I couldn't be happier, you've brough so much joy to us throughout the year we've known you and we wouldn't know a lot of the people that we do now if it wasnt for you, I just wanted to say thank you for always making us happy and always being there for us, as we were there for you. we truely do love you. /p

RYAN, 01.29.24 /P

RYAN RYAN RYAN OMG RYAN dude we love you guys so much n we're so glad we checked up on you that day because if we didn't we wouldn't be here together today. you're honestly one of the nicest people to us and if we ever saw each other we'd cling to you guys like a little leech, we've gotten SO jealous over your partner systems and I feel so dumb for it but I CAN'T HELP IT!!!! you're so very special to us and talking to you that day was probably one of the best things I've gotten myself into, especially because our ENTIRE SYSTEM loves you guys so much, everyone in system knows who you guys are despite us being such a big system and that's a really good thing with us. everyone here loves you guys so so so very much and not gonna lie we've debated asking you to be our partner system a few times but decided against it because of your ex psys and now I don't wanna come in the way of you guys and cain cause you seem to love them a LOT but I hope you guys know that for as long as we talk you'll always be able to come to us with stuff whether it's just that you wanna talk with us or it's some bullshit you're yapping/complaining about. anyways this is getting kinda long so we really really love you and hope we last at least a year <3

MARZ, 03.27.23 /P

OMFG GIANG. idk how u have stuck urself like glue to me for so long especially since we've had like 3 different falling outs u have come back every single time for some reason ever though we suck ASS. NOT LIKE IM COMPLAINING I LOVE HAVING YOU STILL HERE, you genuinely mean a lot to us especially because you went through taylor with us n still stuck around even after juls was in shambles n was literally fucking dying, whether its a trauma bond or not i love having you guys still in our life because ur so silly like what ur so stupidly silly for no reason n it boggles my brain most of the time.. THE FACT THAT YOU MET JULS FIRST OF ALL PEOPLE HONESTLY REALLY SHOCKS BC JULS NEVER TALKED TO LIKE ANYONE FIRST.. it was actually kinda cool but still KINDA CRAZY i feel like if you had talked to me or theo first you would NOT still be here but im glad u r silly !! :3

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