𓊆 ⠀ cc⠀ノ⠀platonic ⠀ 𓊇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀inspo ═════════════════════════════  You will all be Loved
This is a lovemail for all the most important people, characters, and things in my little life ᵔᴗᵔ
═════════════════════════════ The Oasis / Fortnite Land

  • The first ones mentioned in here? What a surprise !! My most treasured friends in the world ♡ I love you all so much its stupid !! I think about you all whenever I can ehehe
  • To Ross, my big brother ! You're such a kind person and I look up to you so much !! Everyone who's friends with you is actually so lucky ! I know this is a silly thing to say but every time I make a joke and you like it I feel better abt myself lolol I think you know this but I really do try and model myself after you cus ur just like so cool man !! I hold the fact that you dislike velvet very close to my heart as funny as that sounds ... Its cus It kinda gives me hope in a way? I have bad memory so being able to remember something so small like that makes me happy !
  • To Lass, my twin sister..... I'm glad I met you cus our meeting was like an inciting event for so many good things to happen !! Dark times were my 2021 self and you still put up with me but I at the same time had to put up with you and your....tiktoks.....shivers...
  • To Mom, you probably wont see this cus ur busy with real life (being a grown up must suck) but I appreciate the time you spent playing roblox with us :D you're a good person and I wish you the best !
  • To Boob, one of the kindest people I've ever met !! You're probably not gonna see this cus of bein a grown up but I dont mind at all !! I hope you're also doing well in your life and I think we all enjoy your little comments whenever you do check in on the server :3
  • I'm genuinely really happy that I've found you all and its been what 3 years going into our 4th? CRAZY !! I will always support and love you all so so much and hope all of you know that you are my top priorities ♡ One day we'll all meet (realistically Ross Lass n Me) and have the biggest group hangout ever TRUST !!!

═════════════════════════════ DogPark

  • Are you guys surprised to be second? idk :P Anyway !! Im very thankfukl that you all put up with whatever I hafta say in my channel ehe....
  • To Callie, thank you so so much for introducing me to everyone !! I think you're a very cool person and I love talking with you and reading all your rants :D also thank you for talking sense into me....(even if i dont listen sometimes)
  • To Lain, hey cool guy DONT be lesbians with my mom please :C I think ur rlly fun and interesting >w< #CURLAIN FOREVER !!!
  • To Angelus, we don't talk a lot but I enjoy your rentries !! I love the way you use colors and do graphic design so so much dude you're like one of my biggest inspos for that typa stuff !! I should really start glazing ur rentries when u post them more......
  • To Marshall, COOL GUY ALERTTT !!! thank you for promoting our cause #SLEETISOVER ♡ I get really scared when you react to my msgs cus its like "Oh right there's people here" /silly Touya guy #0.5 I ALSO RLLY LIKE WATCHING U RANT DUDE literally the guy asking the real questions here ...
  • To Regulus, Dabi guy number #0.5 (you guys make a pair in my mind) a very funny guy....a funny guy indeed.....I swear I only find you talking about Genshin which is crazy cus Dabi's literally you anyway we SHOULD play genshin together ping me whenever u wanna get on but there's a 50/50 chance i wont respond cus im asleep DX
  • To Fampa, I LOVE TALKING ABT HNK WITH YOU !!! I should talk to u more..... anyway I love love love the way you just understand Phos(makes sense you are phos lolol) but still !! Also ur cosplays are rlly cool :3
  • To Saint, another person whose rentries I love !! Talking with you is very relaxing me thinks :3 aslo THANK YOU for supporting my cause #SLEETISOVER (Down with the dictator !!)
  • To Mari, we just started talking a few months ago but I've had a lot of fun :D I hope we can continue to be good friends :3

═════════════════════════════ Stellular

  • Woah !! I love this server !! Everyone's always so nice n welcoming + I'm happy I found love in coding again cus of this site :D
  • To Salmon, we don't talk much anymore but I still cherish our friendship and you were my first friend made from stellular!! I always liked talking with you cus it was just so fun
  • To Nyomi, you're genuinely sucha great person to talk to dude. Its just so easy to tell you stuff and joke around! Idm when you double text me at all either since I never find myself bored :3 The number one Purple guy ever im gonna blow you up !!
  • To Jake,


Pub: 1705964932006 Edit: 1738546072121 Owner: oliver Views: 39