credits: shatshay on tumblr


i do oc x canon. i use tonetags. pls let me know if i follow someone problematic. my native language is spanish so my english sucks lol. im not like in love with scott or shelley, they're just big comfort characters for me. if u want to like talk to me in dms/discord to be my friend pls be 14+. i'm very sensitive to eating disorders, self harm, ped0philia, grooming, sexual abuse and related things, i need TWs for that things. don't get offended if i block u pls. feel free to talk in dms and ask for other socials :D


basic dni, zionists, true crime community (if u condone and/or are bigoted), below 12, u ship scott tenorman with shelly, u ship tenormancest, sh/edtwt or any problematic subtwt, nsfw, tcoal fans, anti oc x canon, anti selfship, u think ocs are cringe, u think oc x canon and/or selfship is cringe, you pass off ai "art" as yours

thin ice (ok if mutuals)

dsmp and mcyt fans. tcc

art by: shatshay ⠀⠀


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