Main Hoard yes these will all be decorated im autstic and arkni
is oneo f my sp/ins if you have arknights urls im after you

adnachiel ansel kroos melantha plume popukar steward uofficial

aciddrop ambriel arene beanstalk beehunter caper click contrail cuora deepcolor dobermann durnar earthspirit estelle frostleaf gavial gitano gravel greyy humus lutonada matoimaru matterhorn meteor mousse myrrh myrtle pinecone podenco purestream roberta rope scavenger shaw sussurro totter utage vermeil vigna

amiya andreana aosta asbestos ashlock astgenne ayerscarpe bena bibeak bison blacknight bluepoison bobbing breeze broca bryophyta cantabile cement ceylon chiave coldshot corroserum czerny dagda delphine elysium enforcer erato executor feater figurino firewhistle flamebringer folinic franka glaucus grainbuds grani greythroat harmonie heavyrain heidi highmore honeyberry iana indra insider istina jessica jieyun kazemaru kjera lapluma leizi leonhardt leto liskarm lucilla lunacub manticore mayer melanite meteorite minimalist mitm mrnothing mulberry nearl ninecoloreddeer ninecolored odda paprika philae pith platinum poncirus pramanix projektred provance Provence proviso qanipalaat quercus rockrock sandreckoner santalla scene sesa shamare sideroca skyfire snowsant spuria swire tachanka toddifons tomimi tsukinogi underflow valarqvin vendela waaifu wanqing warfarin warmy whislash whisperain wildmane windflit⠀

aak archetto ash bagpipe blemishine carnelian ceobe chen civilight degenbrecher ebenholz ela eunectes exusiai eyjafjalla fartooth flametail gladiia holungday hoolheyak horn hoshiguma Ifrit ines kaltsit lessing lin logos lumen magallan mlynar mostima muelsyse narantuya nightingale pallas pepe pluma qiubai rosmontis saga saileach saria schwarz silverash stainless surtr suzuran typhon ulpianus virtuosa vulpisfoglia weedy wisadel zuole⠀

purifier lightningbearer crownslayer bobbing xingzhu yu surfer nian chongyue


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