Hi and hello!! My name is Sumi, but I also go by Selene! If we are friendly, you may also refer to me as Juli (≧◡≦) I use xe/xer, shi/hir, and they/them pronouns, in order of which I like more! Also I like any sort of terms, I have no preference between masc neu or fem.
As for other labels, I consider myself to be bisexual, acespec, and a demigirl. I don’t care much for labels honestly this will probably change in the future, idk I’m just queer ¯\ (ツ) /¯
My birthday is February 9 and I recently turned 17 years old!! Also, I am Mexican and very proud of that ! I speak both English and Spanish, though my typing in Spanish is a bit scuffed I fear (ノωヽ)
I often pick up typing quirks from others, and don’t really notice when I’m doing it. My most common one is where I put a space after punctuation, though I tried to refrain here to be a bit easier to read!
I have pretty severe social anxiety, which is why I struggle with starting conversations even when I really want to. I really do like to talk with other people a lot, but I’m just very nervous all the time. I also regularly forget things easily. Please bear with me! There are more things, but I’ll only state those because it really affects my ability to communicate with others.
Despite how bad my anxiety is, I LOVE hearing about people’s interests and learning about them!! I may not be able to strike up a conversation very well, but I will always be there to listen to anything and everything ^^
If you want to know anything more about me you’ll need to best me in combat (ask nicely lol)