mikey’s hoard. ac morgueacrosstheboard. in use nft iffy uft main bundlrs . contact inevitably picky with all urls, but try your luck . im more willing to part with them for urls that are related to my interests

mcr (mostly will not trade) - mcr mychem cubicles monroeville disenchanted killjoys tcfsr helena hangemhigh tbp blackparade sing burymeinblack demolitionlovers drowninglessons fakeyourdeath solongandgoodnight ninevoltheart jetstar frnkiero desertsong heavenhelpus turnstiles jetsetlife jacktheripper thisishowidisappear livingwithghosts demolovers thefabulouskilljoys mywayhomeisthroughyou summertime thefoundationsofdecay kidkobra mcrtism

gerard way - donttry hesitantalien zerozero millions pinkish thebureau actioncat noshows juarez getthegangtogether howitsgoingtobe mayathepsychic

muse - liberation supremacy hysteria unintended showbiz willofthepeople killorbekilled cityofdelusion uprising absolution wearefuckingfucked panicstation exopolitics blackholesandrevelations endlessly pluginbaby darkshines hypermusic filip cave musclemuseum spiralstatic

other music - stealthisalbum innervision holiday peacemaker camisado sum41 p!atd song2 tornado sias fwn ratm chopsuey dancedance evanescence imissyou underpressure serjtankian soldierside themetro streamline stealthisalbum! suitepee joyriding dontstopmenow dontbelievethehype sketchead youresodark batphone disasterology nofun proveyourself a7x brandneweyes taotu

greek mythology - pjo demigod zagthan ambrosia tsoa patrochilles aristosachaion hadesgame pjo. secondtitanwar

misc - xo riot heroes prom reign crucified camcorder grindeldore wreath anecdote guilt shots faithless despicable immortals servant heartburn ignorance maneater sinning wrightworth objection tmc know escape lithium begone mundane despicable prick recover luminary holyspirits spirits marigold walk pluck electricity chemicals masquerades geminihomeentertainment westsidestory bighero6 bh6 psp 2013 phoenixwright signs thesixthsense thevillage downwiththesystem

rentry - ninevoltheart

for ocs, off limits - xato xatovlahos zachary zacharylorenzi alex alexandervlahos blake blakemarcellus sonofmoros sonofasclepius sonoferos cabin1 cabin3 cabin5 cabin7 cabin11 cabin12 cabin13 cabin16 cabin20

trading log
traded /thanzag for /reign traded /eycte for $10 nitro gave /foundationsofdecay away traded /heroesofolympus for /holyspirits traded /mcr (cyrillic c) for art traded /local58 for /Objection! traded /lookalivesunshine for /ninevoltheart (rentry) traded /lie for /camcorder gave /folieadeux away traded /snowblind for /masquerades traded /2009 for /wreath traded /choke for /guilt traded /forgotten for /shots gave /destroya away traded /killtherock for /ignorance

Pub: 1706323223500 Edit: 1732118068547 Owner: mikey Views: 160