be the kind of person you hate, or be—hated for the things that you thought were common sense
hi welcome to my byi aka an excuse to yap abt myself ;_; below are some general rules of thumb for speaking to me while avoiding conflict plus a handful of things to expect / be wary of
to begin i am DISGUSTINGLY educated in my interests and WILL talk about them often. if u dislike that ur gonna HAAAAAAATE me sry LOL. the big ones rn are animation vs. minecraft and ave mujica
i have a clinically severe case of double texting.. sorry! i love talking and if i feel like i cant talk as much as i like to around you i will not talk to you at all. i will obviously give you the talking stick when necessary but like if ur weird about me being me i wont bother u lol
i might talk about my friends an annoying amount theyre just that awesome soz
jokingly making fun of me is fine if im actively playing into it. if i ask you to stop more than twice in a row even if it seems like im joking STOP PLEASE GOD
i say slurs i can reclaim if you dont fw that dttm tjis includes the r slur btw i know some people arent fans of that + i also make sped jokrs
wait till i initiate oomfhood to befriend me beyond acquaintance level please and thank yewwwww
i am the biggest communication fan please tell me if i did something that upset you or if i need to stop doing something i will listen if you tell me thank you 🌷 if you dont tell me and instead shit talk me i will find out at some point in time and not only will i not stop i will actually do it more until you grow some balls and tell me urself
i dont have a dni i will just block you i love blocking i love hitting that big ol red block text its like dopamine hits dont ask me why i blocked u i dont owe u an explanation weirdo
“nyomi ur giving ppl a step by step explanation on how to piss u off” it never hits hard when theyre actively trying from the get go LOL they dont ever do a good job anyways