frills ᜊ(꒪ˊ꒳ˋ꒪)ᜊ the first ever angel god's most beloved & adored𓈒 heaven's dream girl custom-made by your subconscious ₊˚꒷ div Identitiesghost𓈒 doll𓈒 shiro succubusノvampire𓈒 angelcom𓈒 bunny𓈒 mouse𓈒 lamb𓈒 fawn𓈒 puppy𓈒 ┈ ꒰ 𝄞 1! 2 3! 4 5 6 7 div sacrifice, gentleness, innocence & purity𓈒 ⟡ sweetest soul to grace earth𓈒 fallen from the stars to be the girl of your dreams𓈒 divprincess of heaven𓈒 angels𓈒 love 𓈒 lust𓈒 light𓈒 purity𓈒 venus𓈒 spring𓈒 winter𓈒 spirits𓈒 sweet dreams𓈒 + care-a-lot & rainbow land

frills 28131%95% white

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