nohemi eek hi baby... i love u so much. we'll be together for 3 months on the 9th! isnt that exciting. i am so incredibily happy with you its amazing. we have been intertwined for nearly 2.5 years. i am so grateful that u put up with my stubborn attitude. i honestly dont know what to say other than that i love you, your personality, your smile and your voice. i would never give u up

kankri hallo kankri... u devil. u have been a blessing since i met u honestly. i have an incredibly hard time making friends - i am so happy i asked u to make my stupid giyuu graphic. this friendship never would have started. its only been a week or so but. im thankful to have a new friend. thank u for matching my energy + being silly about things i like. and ur so very welcome for the bo burnham URLS πŸ’œ

presidents hi presidents ( kankri & rev. ) i think we are pretty darn silly . i wasnt sure if its weird to do this but who CARES! πŸ’œ kankri is the um sakuna to my madoka fr. and rev is the sonic to my shadow /PEE i love u guys very much . yall are awesome. honestly rev, i am afraid NOT OF YOU but i really wanna be ur friend outside of stellular but i am not sure if its odd? LOL loove u guys tho

ptvgc hello ptv gc! i love u guys sm. yall were my first gc in awhile & i always feel welcome when i talk in there. tysm for being yourselves i love each and everyone one of u. hearts

stellular hello stellular! also honourable mentions ( aka people i want to be friends with ) vivi/ivy, sumi, rudy, jude, hawks, rei, rouge, noah(s), won, idol, sunday, and many others ilyasm. you guys r very welcoming and kind. it has made my anxiety to talk less severe... thank u.

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