. stupid⠀⠀boy⠀⠀rants⠀⠀about⠀⠀KG .

I've been a fan of KG either since PGR released globally in 2021 or somewhere when the game was still in its early stages in 2022 ! While PGR isnt one of my favorite types of games in terms of gameplay the story and characters really stuck with me !! Especially No21, Wanshi, and Changyu !

When WuWa was announced I was absolutely ecstatic !! I checked like very month and every day to see updates and wondered when it'd release cus I was just so excited to see something new from a company I loved !! So when CBT2 came out I signed up right away and... GOT IN !! I make jokes alluding to this saying stuff like "but did you get into cbt2?" ahahaa...

My favorite characters from WuWa are Lingyang and Scar :D I've adored them both since their early early days ..!! Heh...I guess you could say... I'm an... og.... hehehe.....

While you're here you may be interested in my PGR collection and or my WuWa collection hehe....

Pub: 1706004407505 Edit: 1737968395241 Owner: oliver Views: 16